Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Feel so sad for all the passengers including the extraordinary photographer, who kept his cool even in his last moments of life and took this photo. Hats off to him!!!

The world saw the disappearance of an A330 Air France during a trans Atlantic flight between Rio to Paris . Two shots taken inside the plane before it crashed. Unbelievable! Photos taken inside the aircraft.....

The two photos attached were apparently taken by one of the passengers before the aircraft crashed. The photos were retrieved from the camera's memory stick. You will never get to see photos like this. In the first photo, there is a gaping hole in the fuselage through which you can see the tailplane and vertical fin of the aircraft. In the second photo, one of the passengers is being sucked out of the gaping hole.

These photos were found in a digital Casio Z750, amidst the remains. Although the camera was destroyed, the Memory Stick was recovered. Investigating the serial number of the camera, the owner was identified as Paulo G. Muller, an actor of a theater for children known in the outskirts of Porto Alegre . It can be imagined that he was standing during the turbulence, he managed to take these photos, just seconds after the tail loss the aircraft plunged. The structural stress probably ripped the engines away, diminishing the falling speed, protecting the electronic equipment but not unfortunately the victims. Paulo Muller leaves behind two daughters, Bruna and Beatriz.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Dejavu : Apocalypse

lama x update blog..biase ler bile dah tender ni..baru macam-macam nk kena siap kan itu ini begitu begini..masa aku berpoya-poya tak de plak keje nk masuk..bila dah tender baru la terhegeh-hegeh nk suruh aku siapkan..sabo jelah nk bt camner ikut jelah macam lembu kena cucuk hidung!

aku asyik menyibuk kat blog orang blog sendiri x terjaga....hahahah.bukan apa aku
nyer life 2 3 hari ni cam tu jugak...takde apa yg menarik sangat pon...bgn subuh mandi siap-siap drive g keje pastu balik opis kul 6 then aku speeding ke putrajaya sbb nk setting scope keje dgn compny baru...haaa kan! Dasat kan life dejavu...mcm tu la hidup nk gaji tinggi bukan senang okay...

weeknd ahad aritu aku terajin kan diri sendiri nak g beli nasi kerabu sbb anak cacing dlm perut aku ini memberontak mengidam nasi kerabu...tp masa nk masuk lif aku terserempak dgn member lama aku geng-geng masa study kat UM...makin bergaya kacak tampan aku tgk die..dulu masa blaja die la mamat yg suke nyakat aku..sll tiru aku masa test mengejut kat kuliah..sll pinjam nota aku pastu buat pekasam..last-last nama aku naik kat dekan die plak berjimba-jimba kat depan aku....hahahha..geram gak masa tu tp dah geng sekuliah...tiru-tiru, pinjam-pinjam ni biase aje...

“ehh..ko kat mana skrg? Lama x nmpk ko?”

“laaa...ko ada lg kat sini ke.aku ingt dah pindah..aku dgr ko dah tukar kete jazz..giler aaa..bape income ko sebulan..ko jual pompuan kat thailand ke?!..”

Hahah..kami gelak-gelak mesra gitu...tp masih malu-malu kucing sbb dah bertahun tak jumpe.

“ada jazz aku park kat dlm bangunan parking..wei ko ni mana ada aku jual pompuan..pompuan dtg kat aku adalah..haha”

“haha..berlagak giler ko skrg...mentang-mentang la dah ada jazz skrg..bole ronda-ronda kl dgn jazz ko ekk”

“ooo..bole je..nnt aku roger-roger ko..ko guna no lama kan”

“btul..no lama..ko nk g mana?”

“aku nk g jalan-jalan cari makan..ko?”

“aku pon nk g cari makan..anak cacing dlm perut aku ni memberontak nk makan...”

“jom la..lepak makan skali..jom g pelita..melantak cheese nan”

“yeke..no prob”

Aku pon trus terlupe nafsu nk mkn nasi kerabu dan sib baik aku tak g sbb kedai nasi kerabu tu tutup ari ahad...hahahah...

Melepak-lepak kitorg sampai ke tghari...balik tu aku melayan astro channel hallmark..dgn channel History..aku melekat kat channel History tu sbb die menceritakan ttg tanda-tanda kiamat (apocalypse) dr perspektif kefahaman islam, kristian dan hindu tp apa-apa pun die lebih menceritakan kefaham Hari Kiamat melalui perspektif kristian dan apa yg bible tulis semua segalanya....ada satu sejarah tahun 1987 kot aku x brape ingt...ada sekumpalan pengikut kristian (dalam 77 org) mati bunuh diri beramai-ramai sbb diorg takut nak menghadapi kiamat..korang jgn terpesong plak aku pon tgk utk sekadar ilmu pengetahuan jek...tak lebih dr itu..erm...pastu aku tak tgk dah sbb kul 10.30 aku dah janji dgn micheal scoffield nk tgk die dlm prison break...hahah..aku giler prison break!!!!!.....

Pas dah 1 jam tgk micheal scoffied aku bukak laptop then layan MV taylor swift....buat keje skit pastu aku membongkang tido tak sedar diri smp ke pagi......dan esk nyer bersiap-siap kan diri utk pergi ke opis.....