Thursday, April 29, 2010

new life, everything fresh from beginning..

It seems that when I honor the ending...
the beginning is more joyous.
I admit, I don't always remember to honor the ending...
but sometimes I just want the ending to end or....
the beginning to begin.....

I've had many significant beginnings or endings in my li
Some changes have been elegant, some clumsy,some sweets.....huhuh..
Some have been so quick that I didn't realize the transformation until it was essentially complete,
while some have seemed so slow that I wondered if this is what is meant by eternity. ..
Not all beginnings and endings have been sweet or desired....
But each has led to more joy....try to think it

I'm generally a very happy person, I've not met every life change with happy, welcoming arms. Going with kicks and screams into something new may seem like a poor attitude, but such dynamics may be precisely what I needed to propel me into the new...

Sometimes I activate a transformation simply because I crave something new. I may not even know what I want the new thing to be. I just know that I want something that's different or in a different form or a different color or a different rhythm. Perhaps the new thing won't even seem new from the outside, but it's different.

In my view, the joy of life is experiencing each moment as new and fresh...appreciate each other cause maybe today, tomorrow or anytime we return to Allah.......

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